eConnect offers the possibility to read invoices from other file formats in the financial software. Our scan & recognition tool converts these files into an e-invoice and delivers them to the linked administration.
Send the purchase invoice to: {your coc/uw kvk} And within seconds, this task is as a Conversion task available on the platform. This email address is available as soon as the organization is activated on the eConnect platform.
The submission of the invoices is only possible via email addresses known in the account or via an active permission request from your intermediary. See how you can add Additional email addresses to the account.
If the invoice is forwarded automatically, a forwarding rule may not be created properly. For example, more information about the forwarding settings from Outlook (not redirecting) can be found on the website of Microsoft. These settings are not maintained by eConnect. Make sure, in order to prevent a loop, that when creating a forwarding rule on it, that only email with attachment are forwarded and that email messages from eConnect itself with the domains or are not forwarded.
When an invoice is offered with a valid UBL file, it can be processed immediately. We check the UBL file and when it is correct you can read the invoice directly in your accounting software. As a result, the processing is much faster and cheaper. If the UBL does not meet the standard (SI-UBL 2.0 or Peppol BIS Billing 3.0) or is rejected for any other reason, then the PDF will still be automatically picked up if it was found as an attachment in the email.
Convenient: eConnect detects whether the processed purchase invoice can be received completely electronically in the future. If this is the case, we will automatically convert this for you. In this way, the flow of real e-invoices is increasing.
Do you get an error message when submitting the purchase invoice? View here the possible causes and solutions.
There can also beSales invoicesdelivered by email.