Manually draw up & send e-invoices

Manually draw up & send e-invoices

Manually draw up & send e-invoices

Via the eConnect platform you can draw up and send a (credit/correction) e-invoice for free via our e-invoicing tool. Below we explain how this works.
To invoice the Dutch government, follow this explanation: government can only be invoiced on their OIN(O).
To invoice to Belgian organisations and governments, follow this explanation: sending invoices to Belgium.

Pay attention to: You can only save and send e-invoices if your Organization is active.

Log in to the eConnect platform and then click on the Sales Invoice app in the left menu.

New e-invoice

The Sales Invoice app now opens. You can draw up a new e-invoice here. The first invoice is also a draft invoice. It can therefore be reused.


If an e-invoice is already available, it can also be uploaded. The necessary fields will then be filled.

If there is no e-invoice available, there are 2 ways to create it:

1: Send a PDF to the platform via e-mail

2: Create an e-invoice on the platform by following the steps below:

Step 1

Fill in the sender of the e-invoice at the Supplier.

Please note that a VAT number must be entered including country code and without points and/or spaces.

Step 2

Then, under Debtor, select the recipient of the e-invoice.

You can look up the recipient in the Chamber of Commerce database via Company search or enter an address manually. Debtors who do not have a Chamber of Commerce number must be entered manually via Address. After saving, you will have the option to choose a different number than the Chamber of Commerce number.
There are also two fields to fill: Organization ID and Send via. In the invoice (OrganizationID) it is mandatory to mention the Chamber of Commerce number or the OIN within the Netherlands.
It is possible that a recipient prefers to receive the invoice on a VAT number. You can do this by using the VAT number at Send.

Please note that a VAT number must be entered including country code and without points and/or spaces.

Step 3

If the Delivery Address is the same as the address stated with the Debtor, you can check the notification the same as Debtor. If it concerns a different address, choose Enter Address manually.

Step 4

Fill in the other details:

  1. The invoice number is generated automatically when sending the invoice. You will not see this in the draft invoice. You can enter your own invoice number manually or record your own series for the automatic numbering.
  2. The invoice date is generated automatically. You can also manually select a date (in the past).
  3. It is possible to provide an order number to the invoice.
  4. It is possible to specify a delivery date.
  5. By default, an invoice is generated. It is also possible to opt for a correction invoice (which is technically not a credit invoice, but within the Netherlands it is used in this way).
  6. The currency code is standard at EUR. If desired, the currency can be adjusted.
  7. Enter the expiry date here.
  8. Enter the IBAN bank account number on which the invoice must be paid.
  9. The payment attribute is generated automatically. This can be adjusted manually.
  10. The payment terms are generated automatically. You can adjust it if desired.

Step 5

Now the invoice line(s) can be entered. The mandatory fields are Article name, Quantity, Unit, VAT % and Price (per piece).
To add a new invoice line, click on the green plus. This will appear when you move your mouse in the Amount field. You can use the trash can remove an invoice line.

Add any attachment(s) to the invoice by choosing Attachments at the top and then clicking the paperclip button.

Step 6

In order to send the invoice, you must first Save the invoice. The pop-up contains an auto-generated Document Name and Description. You can possibly change this.
The next screen opens where a description needs to be given.

Step 7

Check the invoice. To see the PDF version of the invoice, you can click on the Preview pdf button on the right of the screen. To return to the input screen, click View Document.

Step 8

Is everything well filled in? Then you can send the invoice.

Click Send. The pop-up below appears.

In principle, you do not have to fill in anything here. eConnect itself selects the most optimal delivery method. If the recipient is not accessible in our network or in one of the connected networks, we ask you to enter an e-mail address. The invoice will then be delivered by email.

The saved/sent invoice has created the status and can be found in Inbox OFF. Inbox OFF you can see whether the receiving party has received or opened it.
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