Creating a user

Creating a user

An eConnect environment can contain multiple users and organizations. Users always have a role with specific user rights within the environment and within the organizations. To use as a user environment Managing Serve the user. "Administrator" To be. In order to view documents of an organization and to send documents on behalf of an organization, the user must Member to be of the organization. In this document, we discuss the creation of a user and setting the appropriate rights.

Create additional user

Adding a user
Users with Administrator rights can send invitations through the Users menu on the left. The new user can then be added or invited via e-mail via the Plus button.

Under "Add User" the email address must be entered. After saving the new user, an activation link is sent by email.

The user invitation is sent by e-mail with a link with which the user can be activated within the environment and set his or her password. By default, this new user has no rights yet. These can be awarded here.

Giving rights to the user
If the user needs to be able to add other users or organizations, or need to be able to adjust the Details of an organization, it is necessary to This user Administrator to make. This can be done through Users. The role of the user can be adjusted there - by an Administrator.

Add to an organization
By default, a user cannot create or see documents for or see an organization. Only the user who created and activated an organization (which is an automatic Administrator) may create or read documents for the organization and give rights to other users. Through anUser to join an organizationThis user can see and create/send documents for this organization.

Without invitation
If a user logs in via the login screen and the email domain used already exists as Environment, then this user is automatically added to that environment*. This automatically added user still has No rights. The email domain is everything that comes after the username and the @ sign: often the company name including ".nl" or ".com".
Registreren stap 1

*If this user does not yet exist or an email domain has been shared with others such as or, a new environment will be created.

Denying access to an organization
In order to stop sharing documents with a specific user, the member can be removed from an organization. See our support page Denying the user access to an organization.

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