It is possible to add multiple email addresses to a user in the platform. Additional e-mail addresses may be useful for the Submitting PDF invoices.
Please note: If you want to link an e-mail address to a domain name other than the domain name of the main e-mail address, please contact us Support to make the domain/environment "shared" so that the email address can be added and verified*.
*To have a 'shared domain' email address (such as hotmail, gmail, ziggo etc.)To be able to add to an account/environment, the account/environment must also be made 'shared'. Sitting hereSecurity risksWhich means that many companies do not want this. For example, if users access the platform from their private email address, they cannot easily be included in the process of excluding the person from company information upon withdrawal. In addition, it is only possible to add other employees to the platform by inviting them. If the account associated with its own domain is not shared, then all employees can log in with their own work email address with the same domain. The employees are then automatically users within the account (still without rights to companies).
Go to Bewerk profile at the top right of the screen.
Click at Additional email on Add.
A pop-up appears. Enter a new email address that is not yet in use as a username on eConnect, and then click on Done.
You will receive one within a few minutes Verification message by email. Click on the link in this post to confirm the additional email address. The status of the additional e-mail addresses can be found under 'Additional e-mail' in the profile on the platform. With a green checkmark, the email address is verified and active.
It Removal an email address can also be done via Add/edit. The address has not been deleted until it is Done is clicked.