In order to send an invoice, your organization must be activated at eConnect. How to activate your organization is described in Creating environment at eConnect.
From the eConnect platform you can Invoices sent Become to the DutchGovernment (For Belgian governments) Other shipping options). At the moment, only Dutch organisations, known to the Dutch Chamber of Commerce, can be found via the search option. Debtors who do not have a Chamber of Commerce number like some GovernmentS bodies must be entered manually via Enter address manually.
Choose the App Sales invoice And then for New invoice (or if an invoice has been sent before Concept of invoices).
Use in Supplier One of the activated organizations in your area. Activating an organization is described in Creating environment at eConnect.
It is important for governments that Organizational ID and Send through through the Oin/oino happens. In most cases, you have already received this from your customer, otherwise you can request it there.
After this, you can further complete, save and send the invoice. If the OIN(O) is correctly completed, the invoice will be sent via the External networkPeppol. Through the PEPPOL network, the document is delivered to Digipoort He then delivers the invoice to the right recipient.